Bria Barton

Bria Barton

Co-owner/ Coach

2021 was my strongest year. Hit a 190 Split jerk, 180 Hang Clean, 240 deadlift and back squat ( I know I’m weird that those numbers are the same but they always have been)


Received my CrossFit weightlifting certification in 2014. 2017 got my Level 1 certification and in 2020 got my Level 2 certification.

About Coach

I have always been athletic. I played basketball and ran track in high school. After high school, I worked at a sports camp for 4 summers. Then was a ballroom dance instructor for 3 years before I started having babies. I started CrossFit after my second child was born. In 2021 I stepped out of my comfort zone and signed up for 2 bikini contests. Now my goal in life is just to be happy and healthy and continue to move well while I age.

Turning Point

Starting CrossFit after my second child was born I learned early on the sacrifices I had to make as a mom with 2 kids to be able to work out. After having my third I definitely learned it takes a lot of time, consistency, and good nutrition to get back to where I wanted to be. Also, realizing that my body wasn’t going to be like my 20-year-old body, things change after having kids. I always want to show my kids what hard work and dedication can do for their life and hope that they follow suit. But also want other moms to realize they need to take the time for themselves as well to be the best version of themselves for their families.

Motivation & Passion

I have always been drawn to coaching and teaching. I love helping people become better versions of themselves. My main motivation is to lead by example for my kids and other members.

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